
TV studio lighting layout plan


In TV stations, especially news programs, the images of the announcers are shot with close-up shots, mainly the upper body of the announcers. Under the premise of considering the sensitivity of the camera to the light, when the TV station lighting is arranged, the lamp position and angle of the main light, side light, top light, backlight, contour light, background light and catch light, whether the light is hard light or soft light, The brightness and light ratio of the light will have various effects on the image of the announcer. Below, Wuhan Kema Film and Television Lighting will introduce you to the basic lighting method of TV station lighting.


1. Arrangement of the main light

The main light is the main light source in the TV station lighting, and its light position and effect depend on three factors: face shape, lighting atmosphere, and light source direction. When arranging the lights of the TV station, turn off other lights when the main light is positioned, and adjust the position and direction of the main light. When adjusting the brightness of the key light, it is necessary to determine the intensity of other shadowing lights, and then determine the intensity of the key light, and at the same time, it must adapt to the brightness of the camera aperture to ensure the effect of lighting modeling.

2. Arrangement of side light

The role of the side light in the TV station lighting is to supplement the main light and make up for the shadow produced by the main light. When arranging the main light, it is bound to produce a certain shadow on the announcer’s face, which will affect the announcer’s modeling effect. Then it is necessary to use side light to eliminate the shadow and reduce the contrast between the announcer’s face and the announcer’s face. Create a more perfect screen image. For small and medium-sized TV studios, one to three cameras are usually used, and 2 to 4 LED flat panel lights are used as side lights.

UNCUCO Film and Television Lighting
Third, the arrangement of the backlight

The function of backlighting in TV station lighting is to enhance the contrast of the lens and separate the announcer from the background, so as to enhance the three-dimensional and layered sense of the TV station screen. The three-dimensionality of the TV picture is largely determined by the angle and light ratio of the backlight. When using the backlight, the light angle should not be too large, and the angle with the announcer should be about 45°; the brightness of the backlight is related to the main light, and the ratio of the backlight to the main light should be 1.5:1~2:1 In between, neither too bright nor too dark, use LED spotlights.

4. Background light arrangement

The role of the background light is to brighten the background. In the TV station lighting, the background light is slightly darker than the character light. When setting the background light of the TV station, it is necessary to avoid the background light shining on the host’s peripheral light. The focus of the background light arrangement is to distribute the light evenly and without shadows. Usually, the background light in a small news studio is only arranged behind the host. 2~ 3 LED TV panel lights are enough. Lighting can be classified into lighting, that is, the surface is first laid out and the points are laid later to distinguish the lighting, and the light ratio and light tone can be used to highlight the level of the scene.

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